This map shows the clear boundaries of every postcode area, plus their corresponding letters, and includes a handy index to rapidly find any postcode area on the map by letter. It also provides information on the structure of a postcode for reference. It also provides boundaries for counties and unitary authorities, correct as of the most recent adjustments from 2009.

  • A laminated map of UK postcode areas, counties, and unitary authorities
  • Shows postcode area boundaries and corresponding letters
  • Shows roads, motorways, and settlements from 2,000 to 1 million-plus
  • Includes London inset and handy postcode locator
  • Measures 1200 x 830mm, scale 1:800,000
  • 2011 edition: includes 2009 administrative changes
Weight 60 g
Dimensions 1000 × 570 mm

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